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08/13 03:01:30 am
cs.SE updates on arXiv.org
Early-Stage Requirements Transformation Approaches: A Systematic Review
Beyond Diversity:Computing for Inclusive Software
Automated flakiness detection in quantum software bug reports
Temporal Analysis and Repair of Flaky Dockerfiles
Can LLMs Replace Manual Annotation of Software Engineering Artifacts?
cs.DL updates on arXiv.org
The Literature Review Network: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Systematic Literature Reviews, Meta-analyses, and Method Development
A Systematic Literature Map on Big Data
COARA will not save science from the tyranny of administrative evaluation
A Metascience Study of the Impact of Low-Code Techniques in Modeling Publications
cs.DC updates on arXiv.org
AirChain: A Novel Blockchain Framework and Low-Cost Device for Democratized Air Quality Data Aggregation
SLO-aware GPU Frequency Scaling for Energy Efficient LLM Inference Serving
Solving Large Rank-Deficient Linear Least-Squares Problems on Shared-Memory CPU Architectures and GPU Architectures
Early-Exit meets Model-Distributed Inference at Edge Networks
Optimal Dispersion of Silent Robots in a Ring
A result of Bui–Pratt–Zaharescu, and Erdös problem #437
What are the odds, II: the Venezuelan presidential election